100 Ways to Lift Your Spirits

Feb 18, 2025

Job hunting can be brutal.

Nothing fair, linear, logical, or fair about it.

You apply. Silence. Recruiters ghost you. The interview felt like a slam dunk… rejected.

And that whole “not a good fit” thing? What does that even mean? Are we assembling IKEA furniture here?

If your job search has you feeling wrecked, you’re not alone. 

Others have figured this out and so will you.

In the meantime, here are 100 ways to lift your spirits.

Because there are bright things on the horizon for you.

Stay the course.

You can do this.


Listen to music you love
Watch a great movie
Clean your house
Pet a dog
Donate to charity
Buy a meal for someone that needs one
Go for a run
Eat chocolate
Lift weights
Ride a bike
Watch stand-up comedy that makes you laugh
Take a walk
Get your hair cut/styled
Call a friend
Volunteer for a worthy cause
Read or write a poem
Pick the salad
Get a manicure/pedicure/facial/makeover
Play a video game
Go outside
Take a nap
Learn how to do something new
Read to a toddler
Look at art
Sit by a fountain
Get in some really cold water
Listen to birds sing
Go to a zoo
Listen to live music
Talk to spirits
Get somebody to rub your feet, your back, someplace that feels good
Declutter and donate
Visit with a senior citizen
Get under a really great blanket
Smell something amazing
Look at beautiful flowers
Help somebody learn
Give an anonymous gift
Be in nature
Read inspiring quotes
Read/watch a story about people overcoming something really hard
Plant a tree
Wear new shoes
Make your bed
Take a shower
Have a nerf gun fight
Get some balloons (bonus points for water balloons)
Ride a horse
Watch a sunrise/sunset
Look at the ocean or a mountain
Introduce yourself to 10 strangers
Tell someone "I love you"
Catch a firefly and let it go
Brush your teeth
Send notes to 5 people
Build a snowman
Smell a baby
Pull weeds
Have faith; believe
Look at old photos
Scream into a pillow
Look at the stars
Close your eyes and balance on one leg
Ask for/offer a hug
Drink water
Draw a picture
Take 10 deep breaths
Sit by a fire
Lie on the floor (or even better, the ground)
Light a candle
Eat a steak
Watch a documentary about WWII or the Roman Empire
Watch trashy TV
Sit halfway up the stairs
More pie
Visit a museum
Blow bubbles
Watch fish swim
Play a musical instrument
Tour a historical site
Order extra pickles
Walk barefoot outside
Let yourself have pizza and ice-cream...also tacos, obviously
Forgive others, and yourself
Write down 10 things you're thankful for
Sleep outside
Hold your breath underwater
Read something sacred
Serve others unreasonably and outrageously

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