A career success coaching program that will help you unlock your potential and land your dream job in 12 weeks or faster.



A career success coaching program that will help you unlock your potential and land your dream job in 12 weeks or faster.



It's like pounding sand...

You feel like you've tried everything. 

You've submitted tons of applications. They ghost you all the time. Even when you get interviews that seem to go great, it's a no. You've reached out to friends and former colleagues to no avail. You feel like you're just going to have to settle.

If that’s you, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Figuring out the working world can be TOUGH!

Here's the good news: it doesn't have to be....and you don't need to figure it all out on your own. That's because if you’re reading this, you’re looking for a coach. Smart #$%@#$%. move.


Do you have stories that hold you back? Of course, you do. We all do. You have them. I have them. We all have them. 

It's like looking into an abyss...

If they will just give you a chance.

You're ready and willing to work hard! You can do so much!

Is this all there is?

You scroll through endless job boards.

You've submitted so many applications.

You get ghosted, even when they promise to call you back.

You thought you NAILED the interview, and it was a no.

You've reached out to friends and former colleagues, and nothing happens.

You're afraid you might have to settle.

You start wondering if maybe you're too old, too young, don't have the right education, don't have the right experience, don't know the right people, FILL. IN. THE. BLANK.

The silence is tough. You're losing hope. 

You wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.

… and nothing!

The process to land a new job is
rarely very logical or fair.
It's not your fault.

I know what you're going through because I' ve been there. Over the years I' ve helped so many who have been there. For so many, navigating career stuff can often feel like pounding sand; you spend so much time and energy trying to move your career forward and then nothing happens.


But it doesn't have to be this way!


a 3-month career success coaching program to get you hired FAST. In this program, we work smart, land great jobs fast, and make miracles happen.


This program includes:

Biweekly one-on-one coaching sessions (at least 6 one-hour sessions) so you're not doing this alone anymore.

Immediate access to 15 modules inside  "Get Hired FAST!" Course approximately 6 hours of content). 

Weekly group coaching sessions by zoom (including replays for any sessions you miss) led by me every Wednesday at 12 pm EDT/9 am PDT. I go over specific concepts vital for landing your next awesome thing before we open it up for Q&A - no one person eating up all the time so you can't get your questions in.

Unlimited community and support (questions on anything, feedback on cover letters, resumes, everything) through the private Facebook group moderated personally by me. 



Job Lead Support (my team and I scour all my sources for job leads that might be a great fit for you) and send you leads weekly

The Resume Swipe File: templates and examples based on resumes and cover letters and follow up messages that have worked for others

Topics we explore include and are not limited to: 

â—Ź Regaining Composure/ Confidence
â—Ź Self-Efficacy
â—Ź Changing Career Paths
â—Ź Your LinkedIn Page
â—Ź Clarity About Your Professional Story
â—Ź The Infinite Value You Offer
â—Ź Resumes
â—Ź Cover Letters
â—Ź References
â—Ź Application Strategy
â—Ź Networking
â—Ź Interviewing
â—Ź Getting Ghosted, Rejection Fielding Offers!
â—Ź Lots, Lots More...

Watch this success story:




I offer a BOLD 100%

success guarantee.

At the end of three months if you've been committed and done the work but have not yet received an offer you like, I will stay with you till you do through continued group coaching and answering your questions on the Facebook page until you receive an offer that makes your soul sing.



In addition to your regularly biweekly one-on-one coaching sessions, you'll get 1 additional hour-long one-on-one sessions with me.

Your 6 regular + bonus 1:1 coaching sessions will be scheduled after the start of  your program and may be used to explore any topic you see fit. Possible ways to use them include and are not limited to:

Getting clarity about what your next awesome thing will be.

We can make sure your resume and cover letter are awesome.

Let's make sure your follow-up and networking is dialed in.

We'll make sure you are 10000% ready for that big interview.

These one-on-one sessions offer a real opportunity to iron out your career tactics and strategies to get you across that finish line I know you're so ready to cross!


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ”





If what you've been doing hasn't been working, do something new. This is something new.



Module 1: Them

Understand why a job search isn’t about you, it’s about THEM.

In this module you will learn:
- Why most job-seekers are selfcentered, and how that’s a mistake
- How the order of what you talk about matters
- The ONE thing employers care about more than anything else

At the end of this module, you'll have mastered the most powerful idea one can wield in a job search, or any social situation involving influence.

Module 2: Stories

Leverage the power of stories get employers' attention and make you memorable

In this module you will learn:
- How stories eat numbers for lunch
- Ways that you can use archetypes in your job search
- The best way to structure stories, especially stories where you are the hero

At the end of this module you’ll have greater understanding about the power of stories, how to construct stories, and how to deliver stories during a job search.

Module 3: Authenticity

It's never the scandal, it's always the cover up; this module describes the power of authenticity to make your job search soar.

In this module you will learn:
- Why being yourself is the most important person you can be in a job search
- The opportunity to be vulnerable as a job-seeker
- About the importance of understanding that humans hire humans

At the end of this module you will never feel like you need to “fake it” or be something you’re not during a job

Module 4: Be Weird

Employers are often bored;be different to get their attention and make them less bored and they will hire you.

In this module you will learn:
- Why relying on “best practices” in your job search is the worst form of professional camouflage
- How novelty is as important as qualifications or experience or connections during a job search
- Out-of-the box ways to really get employers’ attention.

At the end of this module, you'll understand how to STAND OUT from your competitors during a job search.

Module 5: How to Think About Career Stuff

You can have the best resume, cover letter, follow-up, networking, interview and if your mind set is off, all of the rest doesn't matter. We talk about how to create and maintain a mindset that gets you offers.

 In this module you will learn:
- About your MOST IMPORTANT JOB during a job search.
- The distinction between intention and commitment
- Ways that titles matter, and they don’t
- The power of agreements vs expectations
- Why clarity about your job search destination is so vitally important

At the end of this module, you'll not only understand why having the right mindset about your job search is so important, you also have tools to create and maintain a mindset to help ensure your next job is one that makes your soul sing.

Module 6: How to Find Opportunities

Opportunity is everywhere and it's hard to see if you don't know what you're looking for, or where to look.

In this module you will learn:
- How to use job boards and how to use your network to find opportunities
- Ways to make sure recruiters and LinkedIn work for YOU
- Special tricks for finding jobs and staying organized

At the end of this module, not having enough jobs to apply to will become rare for you.

Module 7: Resumes

Everybody has an opinion about these and they're more art than science. Make your resume one that is about them, tells stories, and is super authentic and you'll win.

In this module you will learn:
- How what you show them matters what you tell them
- The power of making your resume about THEM with stories and authenticity
- Tons of formatting ideas and hacks that will make you stand out
- A foolproof way to customize your resume EVERY TIME in a way that keeps you organized and sane
- The way to make your resume something that you’re proud to talk about and show others

At the end of this module, you'll understand how constructing your resume is often more important than
the end document itself. And, you’ll have a document that is entirely your own with understanding how to
customize it to them anytime you want.

Module 8: Get In Their Head

If you're going to make your job search about them you better see, hear, and understand them.

In this module you will learn:
- How to make everything about yourself highly relevant to THEM
- Ways to really understand what they need, what keeps them up at night
- Easy ways to ensure your application and follow up and networking lands in way that’s exactly what they’re looking for.

At the end of this module, you'll be able to take your understanding of making it about THEM to a new level

Module 9: Cover Letters

Sometimes they read them and sometimes they don't, and if they do, yours will be awesome.

In this module you will learn:
- Why cover letters are so important, EVEN if some people don’t read them
- The five parts you need to include to make your cover letters powerful
- How to make sure cover letters don’t become the main barrier to your hitting “send” on every application.

At the end of this module, you will know how to make cover letters for your friend and never need to dread

Module 10: Tracking and Follow-up

If you don't follow-up, did you really even apply at all?
In this module you will learn:
- The right way to systematize your follow-up strategy
- Who to follow up with, and how to follow up with them
- What to say when you follow up that goes beyond, “just wanted to check in!”

At the end of this module, you'll know
how to demonstrate to potential
employers how you’re different from
the rest (and the best) by showing
them results in advance.  

Module 11: Networking

There's a way to do this that isn't pushy or salesy or creepy. You can do it too.

In this module you will learn:
- Ways to create a networking strategy
- How leverage the Franklin principle
and the Network BOMB
- Ways to create and deploy your ATeam

At the end of this module, you'll never
be flying on your job-search ever
again because your legion of raving
fans are now behind you.

Module 12: Interviewing

Interviews are weird; and you never need to be nervous about an interview again.

In this module you will learn:

- The most important interview advice you’ll ever receive
- How to crush the 10 most common interview questions
- The one question you must always ask them

At the end of this module, you'll have the knowledge and mastery that comes only from sitting through hundreds of interviews; interviews will become enjoyable for you. It’s almost not fair. 





Module 13: Waiting, Getting Ghosted, Rejection

We LOOOOVE "no" because "yes" lives in the land of no.

In this module you will learn:
- Why getting rejected almost always has nothing to do with you.
- How what we make getting a “no” mean matters so much
- The reason why getting 2nd place feels so hard
- Ways to prevent getting ghosted ever again
- How time flows slower for the employer than the applicant

At the end of this module, you'll have teflon skin when it comes to getting rejected so getting a “no” doesn’t knock you off your game any more than you want it to.

Module 14: Offers

You don't have to say yes.

In this module you will learn:
- The importance of never prenegotiating an offer
- Why they can never pay you what you’re worth
- About black swans and value trading
- The one technique that has gotten my clients $50K+ in starting salary

At the end of this module, you'll be
able to make the absolute most of
any and all offers you receive.

Module 15: Environment

Make sure your environment is dialed to make your job search as powerful as it can be.

In this module you will learn:
- Why the quality of the people and places that surround you during a job search matter so much
- Bold steps you can take to IMMEDIATELY mix things up with your environment while job searching
- How to go the distance during your job search

At the end of this module, you'll be able to make sure that your environment is working with you, not against you, to land your next awesome thing.

3 Months, 12 Weeks, 84 Days, OR FASTER Our goal: GET HIRED FAST!

Here's what we CAN'T control during a job search:

â—Ź interviews

â—Ź offers

Here's what we CAN control during a job search:

â—Ź mindset
â—Ź application quantity
â—Ź application quality
â—Ź follow up
â—Ź networking
â—Ź our A-Team
â—Ź our environment
â—Ź the answers we give in an interview
â—Ź the offers we accept, or don't

See, as job seekers, there ' s actually A LOT more in our control. We can use that. When we do, we influence the things we can 't control directly.


"Eric was born to do this, and he exceeded all my high expectations."

From his relationship building skills where he tailor-made the process to fit my unique career change situation, to offering tips from his own knowledge and experience in the global work of politics, management, and internships, Eric is the absolute very best. His career coaching advice was spot on. I overcame obstacles with his guidance, learned to dream bigger when he called out greatness in me, and gave me resume and interview tips that help me land the multiple job offers he predicted I would land. He surprised me with books in the mail to read with just the right encouraging words on the gift note. The books helped me shift my mindset in ways he could see were holding me back. There is no one else I would choose as a career coach besides Eric. He’s number one. I started my new job in Silicon Valley last week, and I owe it all to Eric’s spot on coaching.


Who is this guy?

How's he going to help me land a job?

For the last 25+ years I've helped hundreds break through barriers in work and life around Presidents and Princes, Senators and Scientists, Deans and Diplomats, CEOs and Consultants (more about me here).

I've written a bunch of books, received a bunch of awards, earned a bunch of degrees, and hold a bunch of certifications.

While all that is super, the important question is: am I the coach for you?

It's time to find out!

What's that little voice in the back of your head saying to you? You know, the one that usually gets drowned out by the often louder voice of fear, anxiety, risk avoidance. Can you hear that little voice? If what you've heard here is different from what you've heard before and if what you've heard here resonates with you, and that little voice is saying, "this is the answer you've been looking for"...well, there's your answer.

Now it's time to ask yourself…


Crush It.

Working with some of the world's greatest leaders doing some of the world's most important work, it's taken me 25+ years to gain the perspective I now offer through coaching to help you win at work.

The great news for you is: you don 't have to spend all that time!

Let me work with you to get really clear about your career goals and think about ways you can achieve those goals faster than you may have ever imagined.

No doubt, so many (family, community, teachers, etc) have worked so hard to get you to the point in your career you're at right now. By making this investment in your career success you honor the faith they have placed in your ability to advance work that has an impact toward making the world better.

There is so much available to you.

Let's take care of this job thing once and for all and get you out there doing the magic you know you can do to help a world in need. The world needs you. Let's go.  







"Eric is an incredible coach because of his energy level, positive attitude and knowledge base. He is the client' s biggest advocate. He also holds his clients accountable. I had a revelation working with Eric. I realized that I wanted to pursue my entrepreneurial journey and I was able to pivot successfully. I would not have come to this realization on my own. He followed up with me reinforcing and supporting the path I had chosen. He acknowledged my successes. I highly recommend Eric!"


"Eric is a massive help if you are in search of a new job, preparing for interviews or just in need of a mentor. He helped me tighten up my resume and thinks outside the box in doing so. With his help I had multiple interviews set up and ultimately landed my first corporate job out of college. Eric genuinely loves helping and seeing others meet their full potential!"




"Eric at Win at Work helped me earn my first software engineering position after a major career change. After interviewing at over 15 companies in 5 months, I decided to meet with Eric. After meeting with Eric, I landed the next position I interviewed for and the most desirable position thus far. Speaking with Eric helped me so much and I don't think I would have landed the position had I not learned what I learned from Eric. I am so thankful."







Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready to dominate your job search and land your dream job faster than you ever thought possible?


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