Hate Networking?

Feb 02, 2025

Hate networking?

Call it something else.

Maybe it feels slimy. 🀒

Maybe it feels salesy. πŸ’°

Maybe it feels scary. 😨

Whatever it is, the idea of “networking” to find a job FREAKS YOU OUT. 😱

Ok, let’s not call it that, let’s call it something else… πŸ”„

Instead of “networking” - what if you called it… πŸ€”

Asking for help: “Would you be willing to help me with my job search?” πŸ™

Asking for advice: “Can I ask for your advice about my job search?” πŸ’‘

Offering to help. “Are you looking for help with that?” 🀝

Curiosity about them. “How are you?” 😊

Brainstorming. “Would you help me think about my job search?” 🧠

Whatever you call it - what you want to do is strengthen your relationships. πŸ”—

Maybe those relationships will lead to a job and maybe they won’t. 🎯

Either way - there is no better use of your time during a job search. ⏳

Let's connect so we can network, or not network -->  Eric Woodard

πŸš€ Let's get your career stuff handled, find time to talk here. πŸ“²