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Mar 25, 2025

Resumes are dumb.

Boiling our lives down to a couple pieces of paper? 🧻

Stupid. 🀷‍♂️

Definitely more art 🎨 than science πŸ§ͺ.

Anybody that tells you there is one right way is a liar.

Everybody has an opinion πŸ—£οΈ.

Here’s one of mine:

You know those giant walls of text 🧱 some put right at the top of their resume?

Executive Summary!

Career Highlights!

Key Skills!

Ya…here are 5 reasons nobody is reading that… πŸ‘‡

1) You’re telling instead of showing 🎭

2) No context – just claims floating in space 🌌

3) You’re just asking them to take your word for it 🀞

4) It’s what you want them to notice; they’re thinking, “we’ll decide what’s important, thanks.” 🧐

5) No reference point. “Strong communicator?” Compared to who, and what? πŸ“

“But Eric! What about ATS? Huh? What about THAT?!?” πŸ€–

Stop. ❌

Write for humans 🧠

Show them what you’ve done πŸ“‚

Let that speak for itself πŸ”Š

Trust them to connect the dots πŸ”—

Give them room to draw their own conclusions 🧩

That’s how you Get Hired FAST ⚑

Want the full playbook? πŸ“˜

πŸš€ Let's get your career stuff handled, find time to talk here. πŸ“²