Break Through Mental Resistance
Aug 15, 2020
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- Stretching is important because it helps break up scar tissue and restrictions that keep one from moving with as much flexibility as they might.
- There are all sorts of devices one can get to help with physical flexibility
- However, mental flexibility is just as important; the devices one can use to break through mental restrictions are out there, but a little less evident.
- Being mindful about and knowing how to break through mental restrictions can really give you an edge towards winning at work.
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Stretching can be hard! I love to workout but sometimes I’m held back because I’m not as flexible as I’d like to be. Over the years because of not moving certain parts enough, or because of scar tissue that has built up, or whatever – people get restrictions in how they can move.
There are all sorts of contraptions one can get to help stretch these constrictions out (Lord knows I’ve purchased a ton of them). One can get straps and blocks and rollers, one can get devices that stretch certain muscles in helpful ways, one can get things that vibrate so they pummel stiff muscles into submission.
But while there are lots of things one can get to help make muscles and ligaments and the body more flexible, devices that make the mind more flexible are less straightforward. It’s not like you can put a roller against your head and hope that it works mental blocks!
We all have such mental blocks that have developed over our lives due to experiences we’ve had, especially social interactions. We all carry beliefs and tell ourselves stories that hold us back from reaching our greatest potential. It’s vital to remember that while the body has restrictions that we must constantly work to break up, the mind does too.
But what can one do to break up mental restrictions? One of the best tools to break up mental blocks is, of course, learning. Learning new ideas or new approaches is a great way to overcome limiting beliefs.
However, a device that is often more powerful than that at breaking apart mental restrictions is just to be around better people. If the restrictions you carry are largely a result of past social interactions you’ve had, it follows that a great way to break them up and develop ideas to overcome those restrictions is to get yourself around different people who are more aligned with your developing more powerful beliefs.
Another great way to break up mental barriers is just to talk them out with a coach who isn’t afraid to challenge beliefs you might unknowingly be carrying around that are holding you back. Talking it out can be a great way to get limiting beliefs out of your head where they can do no further harm.
Limiting beliefs are a total bummer – but we all have them. There is perhaps nothing more human than overcoming limiting beliefs and the fact your reading this means you are likely well on your way to doing just that. This is because the first step in overcoming limiting beliefs is recognizing that you have them, and which ideas you carry around may be one of those sneaky limiting beliefs.
When you do that, you are well on your way to overcoming beliefs that may be limiting your full potential, which do doubt, will help you win at work.
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