One At A Time
Apr 19, 2021
There are many things that are done best one at a time; applying for a job is one of them.
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You know what's really important to do one at time?
Of course, between all the constant distractions of daily life - kids and dogs and work and phones going "bing!" this may be pretty aspirational for most. Even if one knows that multi-tasking is a myth, offering undivided attention to any single thing is pretty hard.
Although, many try. This is the idea behind meditation...sharpening one's mind and building discipline to focus on just one thing.
In politics, there is a wise saying that one should only try to, "win one election at time." In other words, don't set your sights on getting elected to any office other than the one you're running for.
It occurs to me that the same is true when looking for a job. I know some people will work on multiple job applications at once - sending out 10 or 20 a week. I feel sorry for those that go down that path because it's not very effective.
Instead, if and when you can, a much better strategy is to focus on just one job opportunity at time. Give it your full attention. Make it the best you can, and then consider what you might do to make it 1% better. Then try to make it another 1% better. Focus.
When you do, I believe it'll not only help you stand above the competition - but it will also help preserve your sanity and ultimately - lead to your putting out more applications that have a greater likelihood of leading to a great opportunity where you can win at work.