The Dark Side of the Moon
Feb 02, 2023Do you know what this is?
That’s the fucking dark side of the moon.
Recently a group of my awesome clients and I were talking about how very often to create something amazing, it’s vital to find space that’s like the fucking dark side of the moon.
This can be hard because there is a constant war for our attention. There are A LOT of forces that definitely don’t want us going to the fucking dark side of the moon!
However, for those that can get there, the fucking dark side of the moon offers:
No courtesy knocks.
No calls.
No pop-ups.
No email.
No interruptions.
No distractions.
The door is locked and there is a BIG sign on the door that says “GO AWAY”
It’s as if the fucking United Nations has passed a fucking binding resolution that prohibits anybody from contacting you.
Maybe there’s that ONE trusted person who knows how to reach you just in case, God-forbid, your kid gets hit by a car or something. Maybe. Actually though, you probably don’t even have that person. Your kids are going to have to survive on their own for a while.
Getting to the fucking dark side involves privilege; it’s easier to reach for some than others.
Going to the fucking dark side of the moon may displease some people. Lots of people. It doesn’t matter.
Some may call you selfish and they’ll be right. Travelling to the fucking dark side of the moon requires making yourself a priority.
Getting to the fucking dark side of the moon requires that your commitment to creation exceed your commitment to pleasing others or the comfort of Earth.
And here’s the other fun thing about the fucking dark side of the moon: you have limited time.
You can’t stay there forever because if you do, you’ll fucking run out of air.
Lingering into the lunar afternoon can get you cooked by a fucking solar flare.
The longer you’re there, the greater the chance you get smashed in the face by a fucking meteor.
If you dawdle, you die.
Thriving on the fucking dark side of the moon requires one to be ON TASK.
On Task + No Interruptions = Unlimited Possibility and Creation
If you got to the fucking side of the moon consistently, what would it mean for…
Your career?
Your family?
Your friends?
Your significant other?
Your health?
Your fitness?
Your art?
Your wealth?
Your impact?
Your joy?
Your spirit?
Your learning?
What if the key to reaching your full potential and serving a world in need is to constantly leave it?