Do Your Future Self a Favor
Some of the coolest movies are ones that depict characters traveling in time to meet their past or future selves, or manipulating history by changing one detail.
If you could go back in time and talk to you past self, what career or life advice would you give yourself?!
Of course, there is no really good way to speak to our past selves. However, there is a good chance that – along the space/time continuum – your future self would LOVE to talk to you right now. Any idea what they might want to say to you?
Unless you happen to have a really awesome crystal ball handy, it’s difficult to say exactly what the future will hold for you over the next 10 years. However, nobody knows you better than you – and even though some of the details must be unknown, nobody has a better sense of what your 10-years from now self might have encountered or might want you to focus on now.
Here’s the question: your 10-year older self is talking to you right now, but are you listening?
We do favors for our future selves all the time. We brush our teeth, we pack a lunch, we pay our bills….what favor is your 10-year older self hoping you’ll do for them now?